We offer greater impact on social media: be that via playlists and the attention provided by digital services such as Deezer and Spotify, promotion thanks to our Major Account profile on iTunes, Spotify and Youtube or targeted development of your social media presence to reflect your audience profile and the countries you’re hoping to reach.

Creating listener loyalty isn’t a matter of steering people towards the apps you prefer but instead being present on the ones they actually use, without wasting time with the ones offering little impact.  In this all-digital age, your digital presence will be one of the keys to your success.

We work in close collaboration with all artistic and digital sales directors on streaming platforms (DeezerSpotifyiTunes…) to ensure that you’re included on playlists and promoted, that newsletters are published to highlight your album releases and news is shared on social media to help identify your fan base from among the different services they use.

Why and how should you add your music to Spotify/ Deezer/ Apple Music playlists?

Almost everyone is aware of streaming and download platforms, such as Spotify, Deezer and also Apple Music, to name but a few. But do you know how to make sure your latest tracks are added to playlists on these sites, the very same playlists which will be suggested to millions of subscribers? With its specialist team of music press officers, Dooweet will reveal how you can successfully ensure artistic promotion on Spotify, Deezer and many other playlists

Can you get by without streaming playlists when starting a career in music?

Throughout the history of music promotion, just as in so many other fields, the available tools have had to keep up with technological advances and thereby improved in terms of efficiency. There was a time when it was enough to post your demo to a few specialist publications in the hope of getting your big break. Over the years, the near-magical effects of the internet have reshaped approaches to promotion and have become one of its central pillars. And if you’re using the internet to promote your music, being on certain playlists is an absolute must.

Launching or boosting your career in music without thinking about your presence online or on internationally recognised streaming platforms is the equivalent of starting a game of poker by going all in with an unsuited 8 and 2. Of course you might get lucky, but in the meantime you can guarantee high levels of competition and someone matching your bet.

As a singer or musician, you probably have one (or several) streaming platform accounts. If that is the case, you’ll be well aware that the “recommendations” and “playlists that are created specifically for you (and millions of other people…) on the basis of your listening habits” are key when it comes to discovering new artists. This is why your presence, and that of your best work, is essential if you are to have a chance of securing a highly south-after official playlist spot.

What are the key steps involved in getting onto a playlist on Spotify, Deezer or elsewhere?

You’re free to choose how you contact the people managing the playlists in question, but we would recommend following certain steps to maximise your chances of success.

Creating a strong online and social media brand image

Before any initial contact, remember that the person, artist or even company specialising in playlists which you need to approach will do some research on your credibility before getting back to you and even considering your inclusion. Therefore, both your social media and website must be faultless and up to date. Make sure you review them in detail and regularly add new content.

High-quality recordings

So, you’re ready to approach a playlist manager who could upload your track. But which track should you choose to offer a taste of your abilities? First of all, set aside any “rushed” or low-quality recordings, which do not do justice to the full extent of your talents. Once you’ve selected the tracks with the best recording quality, ask friends to listen to them and find out which they prefer. If you notice that one track is starting to stand out, then this is the one to send.

Choosing the right playlists

Now that you’ve chosen the track to send, make sure it goes to the right place. Playlists, by definition, are communal (even though some are created for purely commercial purposes). But they are generally created with a specific kind of listener in mind, so that they can find what they’re looking for with the minimum of fuss. By contacting someone who manages an official playlist related to your music style, you have a better chance of being chosen and you can reach listeners with relevant tastes.

Building your reputation before approaching major playlists

When considering whether or not to contact labels and other publishers to give your music career a boost, there’s not much point starting with the largest companies, as they rarely give unproven artists a second thought. Start with niche playlists that target your music style more specifically, then use this initial, positive experience as your driving force when aiming higher.

Contacting companies which produce playlists professionally

While the very idea of a playlist hinges on the general notion of something being shared by an artist or an individual, remember that there are also professional companies responsible for managing playlist publication on different platforms. Websites such as Digster, Filtr and Topsify (belonging to Universal, Sony and Warner respectively) manage hundreds of publications every day where you could appear, as long as you’ve already built up a reputation to a certain extent. Contact them via social media and ask them to listen to your tracks. Although you’re by no means guaranteed to get a response, if you don’t ask, you don’t get…


Discover our page dedicated to the promotion and advertising of your music videos on Youtube. This service has become indispensable for any artist who wishes to develop his visibility and who does not benefit from a strong organic presence. By promoting your video, you are guaranteed to reach a targeted audience, and control your budgets.


With almost 250 million users worldwide, including around 110 million paying subscribers, Spotify leads the way where competitors such as Deezer and Apple Music are concerned, even if they also have several tens of millions of users.

Given how well playlists on these platforms help emerging artists take their careers to the next level or re-energise the careers of existing artists, it would be madness for Dooweet not to collaborate with them .

We can therefore approach all of these playlists and their curators on your behalf!

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