By definition, world music brings together music which falls outside categories of the contemporary mainstream like jazz, pop and rock. This is what makes it such a wide-ranging genre, as it includes non-western artists with varied influences who play traditional and/ or modern instruments. At Dooweet, this musical field is one our press officers champion and promote, as we feel that it offers so much. In fact, it draws together a whole host of artists with ethnic, folk, traditional, popular and mixed inspirations to name but a few, all of who deserve recognition and their turn in the limelight. And lastly, providing a clear and precise definition of world music is far from easy as it is so diverse. Nevertheless, all the styles it covers have one thing in common: they all express a culture.

By assigning the promotion of your album to our press officers, you will enjoy the support provided by a personalised PR strategy, tailored to your project along every step of the way. And as we are curious, we are always delighted to discover new talent and unveil it to the public. 

World music, a genre that brings together diverse musical influences

As we have already pointed out, there is no “correct” definition of world music as it is so varied. What’s more, certain specialists view this musical genre as somewhat of a catch-all. For our press officers, that’s exactly what makes it so special and so interesting. It’s what makes us so enthusiastic to promote world music artists, their albums, their tracks and to bring them to the attention of a wider audience. This genre is a truly eclectic one, with diverse influences, it is hugely rich. And while for decades it has been difficult for world music artists to establish themselves outside of their home country, nowadays, there is genuine curiosity and a real appeal among music lovers. By the same token, famous groups and singers have been inspired by world in producing their own albums or songs and in so doing have helped shine a light on it. Both local and international, this genre has been able to cross borders without losing authenticity. So, if we had to limit ourselves to a short definition of the genre, we could say that it is universal while also belonging to local cultures.

The press relations services offered at our agency

For our press officers, settling on a definition of world music is not necessarily the most important thing. Instead, promoting the artists making up the genre is crucial! That’s why, since 2012, we have been helping singers, groups and musicians to make a name for themselves. We also work alongside event organisers to ensure artists gain visibility. To make this possible, we offer you all our expertise and the benefits of our network. Depending on your project, be it an album release or a festival for instance, we provide bespoke solutions to develop your media presence (press, online, radio, TV). We handle all forms of PR. Our press officers are also there to offer advice on your next moves to ensure a coherent strategy is developed to promote your album, and your project.

If you’re interested, contact our world music promotion agency now!

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